Nailan Hatten’s Rising Stars Presentation
My experience with Rising Stars has been a good one! I have learned so much from it and it has been very helpful...
Some of the things that I have learned from being in the Rising Stars Program are how to be a better leader, being an enhancer, setting goals, and achieving them. I have learned how to become a better leader because I believe that if I want to succeed, then I will succeed. Also, I can make others do what needs to be done without force. When setting goals in the Rising Stars Program, we had to make sure they were SMARTY goals... SMARTY stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistically high, Target Date, and Yours. Following these guide lines when setting goals will help you to achieve and accomplish your goals.
One of the things we had to do was to set a five week goal...My Five Week Goal and also one of my SMARTY goals was to do better in Global...Before, in Global, I was passing with low 80’s...Now, I have set a goal to do better and I have! In the past couple of weeks, I have managed to receive a 100% on both of my quizzes! This has showed me that if I work hard for what I want, I can accomplish anything!
My favorite part of Rising Stars was knowing that I would become better at understanding the leadership process as a whole picture. Mrs. Romano and the Rising Stars Program has opened my eyes and broadened my mind!
Thank you...